Location: Hustle, Virginia |
Judge: CAROLYN FRY Author of THE Book on Spinoni: THE ITALIAN SPINONE. |
Read Carolyn Fry's Overall Report on the Breed at the Specialty go fetch |
Number of Spinoni Entered: 66 |
Judge's Critique Winner: This dog impressed me as soon as he entered the ring. His breed type stood out for me. He is a two year old well-boned masculine dog carrying a super
wiry, close-fitting jacket. He still has some maturing to do to finish the picture. His head planes diverge correctly, his muzzle is strong and he has good balance skull/muzzle. He looked straight up at me with his well-placed, round and
expressive eyes. Superb nose. Correct ears, set on well. Limbs are oval and he has large, round feet. Would like stronger knuckling. Well laid-back, strong shoulders with deep chest and super ribbing. Correct square outline with a topline that
flows from the backskull, crest and neck, merging into slightly raised withers and creating a smooth, rounded line into strong loins and a broad, correctly-set croup. Correct bend of stifle and proportions of hock/thigh. Moved with a typical
pounding trot, holding his profile well and his head proudly. A real star and one I shall follow with interest.
Carolyn Fry (Judge) |
Judge's Critique Best of Opposite: Open Bitch
1. Capo di Paura Camilla Barker (Ch Epithelium Elia x Ch Epithelium Athena) S & E Applegate & J McDaniel
Winner : 13 month old bitch with lovely construction, head type, eye colour, ears and refinement of skull. Well-defined occiput.
Well-placed shoulders, at the moment lacking forechest. Good ribcage for age. Correct topline, croup, tail and angulation to hindquarters.
She hides her light under a bushel, not giving of her best and carrying an abundance of coat (even though it is the correct texture)!
Moved well in profile. A very promising Spinone at the start of her career and one I shall follow with interest. BWB and BOS
Carolyn Fry (Judge) |
Judge's Critique Best of Winners:
Open Dog
1. Ercole del Caos JH (Ch Ludstar Alfonso x Ch Zetta del Caos) A Schultz
Winner : 2 year old brown roan with excellent coat texture and colour. Lovely expression with superb eye colour and set and with typical head planes.
Superb ears for set, shape and lay. Back skull could be a little more pronounced. Good bone with deep, broad chest. Ribs well-sprung for age with
a strong, short-coupled back . Very square outline. Would like a little more upper arm to complete balance. Excellent topline, hindquarters, croup
and tail. Moved positively holding his topline and head correctly. Very promising subject that has a big future ahead of him. I shall follow his career
from across the pond! BOW
Carolyn Fry (Judge) |
Judge's Critique Winners Bitch: see Best of Opposite Above
Judge's Critique Winner: 9 months white and orange dog with good coat and skin and a very kind and typically correct ochre eye. Adequate bone. Correct topline into well-set croup with nicely angulated hindquarters. Good skull to muzzle balance and divergent planes. A little strong across the zygomatic region. Ears set on well and of good length. Would like to see a more defined occiput. Won this class on his breed type.
Carolyn Fry (Judge) |
Judge's Critique Winner: Also Reserve Winners Dog: 10 month old brown roan pup with good coat colour. Texture correct, but needs attention as it appears ‘broken’ at this time (standing away from the body). Very kind expression, good eye colour and correct balance of skull to muzzle with good divergence of head planes. Ears set on well but could sit closer for best effect. Deep chest, good bone. Pasterns need to tighten, as I’m sure they will as his work increases. Good topline, croup and thick tail set carried well. Lacks upper arm, thus moves a little wide in front. Good profile movement. Overall very nice subject with time on his side. RWD
Carolyn Fry (Judge) |
Judge's Critique Winner: Brown roan, rising eighteen months with good coat colour. Texture not so good and needs attention to allow new coat to come in. Good profiles, expression, eye colour and head type. Good bone. Lacks upper arm. Topline correct, ribs well sprung and deep in chest. Correct tail for set and carriage. Moves a little wide in front, but profile held well.
Carolyn Fry (Judge) |
Judge's Critique Winner: Rising yearling brown roan with good coat colour and texture. Coat needs attention as it appears open at this stage. Deep chest, good bone, square in outline and well-angulated. Lacks upper arm. Good croup and tailset. Carries his tail a little proud at this stage. Well-balanced head and correct profiles. Good earset and lay. Eyes need to darken. Very nice mover.
Carolyn Fry (Judge) |
Judge's Critique Winner: Very feminine young white and orange lady with good bone and pleasing outline. Very kind and typical expression with good profiles and well defined occiput. Eye needs to darken, but time is on her side. Shoulders well laid back, but would prefer a little more upper-arm and forechest. Very good hindquarters with correct croup and tailset. Took a while to settle on the move, but when she obliged she presented a very nice picture. Very promising.
Carolyn Fry (Judge) |
Judge's Critique Winner: Nice type of brown roan bitch with good coat for colour and texture. Very good topline, croup and hindquarters. Nicely bodied with good spring to rib. Would like more upper arm and forechest. Head profiles very good, but ears, although of good shape,are set a little high. Eyes very light. Moved with purpose.
Carolyn Fry (Judge) |
Judge's Critique Winner: Two sisters of very nice type. White and orange winner is very feminine with lovely head planes. Eye needs to darken and would like more depth to muzzle. Profuse coat that needs attention, but is of good texture. Very good ears. Adequate bone, good chest and correct topline. Moved well after initial pacing. Would benefit from from muscle toning. Promising subject.
Carolyn Fry (Judge) |
Judge's Critique Winner: Also Reserve Winners Bitch: 3 year old white/orange bitch maturing nicely. She has good bone, excellent ribs, chest and topline and strong, well-angulated hindquarters. Good feet. Head well-profiled with good ears. Would like more depth to jawline. Good eye colour, kind expression, excellent nose. Upper arm needs more length and forechest lacks sternum. Coat a little profuse, but correct texture. Very nice in profile movement and upstanding at all times. A real showgirl. RWB
Carolyn Fry (Judge) |
Judge's Critique 4 year old brown roan with very good ribs, topline and croup. Well-placed shoulders and adequate forechest. Well-muscled hindquarters. Lovely eye colour and expression. Correct ears but set on a little high. Head could be more refined with more definition to skull. Coat and skin of good texture. Nice sound mover.
Carolyn Fry (Judge) |
Veteran Bitch: Klondikes Orphan Annie JH |
(SN75419101) (b. 01-28-00) Bitch |
CH di Morghengo ? x Di Morghengo Bianca |
Breeder(s): M & C Sheridan |
Owner(s): E Vanderbilt |
Judge's Critique 7 year old white/orange with kind expression and very good profiles. Ears not correctly set. Skull, if a little broad has good definition of occiput. Good deep muzzle. Deep and broad ribs. Moved soundly.
Carolyn Fry (Judge) |
All information is deemed reliable, but is neither guaranteed nor independently verified.
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